home insurance



Home Silver and Home Gold


  • The new innovative insurance packages Home Silver and Home Gold are offered to private households that fulfill certain criteria and are used solely by the Insured and his family for residential purposes. These packages provide cover against loss of or damage to the Insured Property caused by the following insured perils, covers and benefits:

Section A - Insured Perils
(Applicable for the insurance packages Home Silver and Home Gold)


  • • Fire, Lightning or Thunderbolt

    • Bush Fire

    • Fire caused by Short Circuit

    • Smoke from Fire

    • Explosion

    • Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption

    • Storm or Tempest and Flood

    • Theft by actual, forcible and violent entry to or exit from the Building

    • Impact on the Buildings

    • Aircraft Fall

    • Accidental Leakage of Water or Domestic Oil


Section B – Other Covers and Benefits
(Applicable for the insurance packages Home Silver and Home Gold)


  • • Cost for locating the cause of water leakage

    • Cost of lost Water or Domestic Oil

    • Public Liability

    • Alternative Accommodation

    • Architects’ and Surveyors’ Fees

    • Debris Removal

    • Accidental Breakage of Mirrors

    • Personal Accident (For the Insured and husband/wife)

    • Foodstuffs, Drinks and other Supplies

    • Money

Section C – Additional Covers and Benefits
(Applicable for the insurance package Home Gold only)


  • • Contents in the Open

    • Accidental Damage to External Aerials and Security Systems

    • Accidental Fall of:

    (a) Trees, excluding loss or damage caused by lopping

    (b) Electric or telecommunication poles

    • Malicious Damage

    • Riots, Labour or Civil Commotion, Strikes or Lock-Out

    • New for Old Contents


Click Here for the form!


Comprehensive Household Insurance


Comprehensive Household Insurance provides cover against loss of or damage to the building and/or to the contents caused by:

  • Fire and lightning

  • Earthquake

  • Explosion

  • Aircraft

  • Bursting of pipes or overflowing of a water tank

  • Theft accompanied by violent & forcible entry

  • Impact by any road vehicle

  • Storm & tempest

  • Flood


Additional Benefits (at no extra premium)


  • Breakage of mirrors (other than hand mirrors)

  • Loss of property of domestic servants

  • Additional expenses of alternative accommodation and loss of rent

  • Liability to the public

  • Compensation for the death of the Insured


Optional Covers (at a small extra premium)


  • Theft (not accompanied by violent or forcible entry)

  • Cover during unoccupancy of the building beyond 30 consecutive days

  • Additional cover for valuables

  • Malicious damage






Fire Insurance for residences provides cover against loss of or damage to the building and/or to the contents caused by fire and lightning. The following special perils can also be added:


  • Earthquake

  • Storm, tempest or flood

  • Bursting of pipes or overflowing of a water tank

  • Aircraft

  • Riots and strikes

  • Malicious damage

  • Explosion

  • Impact by any road vehicle

  • Riots and strikes



 Theft Insurance provides cover against loss of or damage to the property within the premises and also damage to the residence itself caused by the actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of the premises or any attempt thereat.


All Risks

 All Risks Insuranceprovides cover against loss of or damage to valuables and other personal effects caused by any accident or misfortune